Cougar Creek Oyster

Crassostrea gigas

Cougar Creek oysters are grown where Cougar Creek flows into Fanny Bay, Baynes Sound. The farm starts with hatchery produced seed growing in a FLUPSY just off shore. Once the oysters reach about an inch in length, they are transferred to mesh grow out bags directly on the beach. Spending time on the beach at this stage of maturation allows their shells to firm up and develop a nice cup. After this initial beach conditioning, the oysters are transferred to suspended trays to continue to feed and grow at an increased rate. Once they reach 2.5 inches, they are returned to their mesh grow out bags directly on the beach to finish for at least 6 months. The result of all the effort in moving the oysters through the different phases of their life creates a very strong oyster with a beautiful, deep shell. The flavor is typically salt forward, but they do sweeten up and finish with a hint of cucumber.

Cougar Creek Oyster
Cougar Creek Oyster - Marinelli Shellfish Co.