Barron Points are an intertidally grown oyster from Little Skookum Inlet, which is in southern Puget Sound, Washington. They are introduced to the beach at Barron Point in large mesh grow out bags that are placed on the bottom. After about a month, they are transferred out of the bags and onto the beach, and they finish their grow out as beach cultured oysters. They are produced by a small, family run operation that is doing the work required to keep the oyster densities low both while they are in the grow out bags and while they are on the beach. This in turn produces very nicely shaped oysters; round, deep cupped, and with well-formed hinges. The water in southern Puget Sound is very high in nutrients and not too intensely salty. As a result, the oysters generally taste mildly salty, and the meats tend to have a lot of fat (glycogen) on them, making them plump and sweet. They often have so much sweet to them that it masks the fruity aftertaste common to the pacific oyster.